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” Mortensen ended the letter by confirming his “strong testimony of the Church”, and because he loved it, he wanted “so desperately for it to follow Christian principles in their dealing with our gay brothers and sisters” and passionately insisted that “when any brother is being treated badly by the Church we are all diminished. As he later reported, “When Packer got started on his topic I began sweating. Pressure on the Institute became too great for Allen Bergin, who resigned as chair. An understanding, through experience, of the very real dilemma which we face. However, a few months later, on July 10, 1964, Kimball gave an almost identical speech to a conference of the LDS church’s Seminary (high school-level) and Institute (university-level) religion teachers assembled at Brigham Young University (BYU). Although witnesses heard gun shots, saw the flash of pistol fire, and heard the sound of retreating footsteps, no one reported to have actually witnessed the murderer.

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Emails to Connell O’Donovan, May 27 and July 13, 2004. John Cook Bennett, University of Illinois Press, 1997. For example, in an October 7, 1980 memo marked “PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL” which Holland sent to William Rolfe Kerr (BYU Vice President – now Church Commissioner of Education), he noted that a BYU student named Joseph Brian Cole, in an effort “to put his life in order and prepare for a mission”, had confessed to his bishop, John Bennett, of the Albuquerque, New Mexico 5th Ward, that he had participated in homosexual activites. I suspect that the policy of non-excommunication had more to do with denial and maintaining an “untarnished” public image in the face of certain scandal, rather than a show of compassion or a lack of homophobia. For Bergin, “this symposium experience was a transition point” in his career; he noted that most significantly was overcoming his fear of being physically assaulted, beaten up for his beliefs. [29] Smashing involved passionate, sometimes sexual, friendships between women before the turn of the century.

During surveillance of these rest stops, police and campus officers documented more than 100 men, many of whom were from BYU, who were “believed to engage in homosexual activity” there. (See Prologue section for details. For one example of Byrd ‘s viewpoint, see Byrd, Cox, and Robinson’s “Homosexuality: The Innate-Immutability Argument Finds No Basis in Science”. Most of the anti-Communist articles had a paranoid, almost hysterical tone to them, as if huge numbers of Communists were poised just outside Rexburg, ready to invade and conquer this Mormon bastion of Capitalism and “liberty”. In the 1970s, Gay relations with the LAPD drastically improved.

The LDS Church responded vociferously to the new homosexual militancy. ” Earlier that same year, Dr. [158] This book, funded by the church tithing monies, would be written for a “New York Times type of audience” by Bergin and Victor L. However, those who were “overt and active” would still be automatically expelled unless a General Authority recommended otherwise. Both engender such practices as anti- Gay legislation, “reorientation” therapies, or passive, but debilitating silence.

Gays should cease “reading articles about homosexuality and will substitute therefor the scriptures and worthy books and articles” and should chart the use of their time. The homosexual psychic Wehner (1891-1970) had been a vaudeville actor and singer, and had also composed the very popular Broadway hit, “I Want My Mammy”, which had been sung in “black face” by the famous comedic actor Eddie Cantor in 1921’s Broadway musical, The Midnight Rounders.   In the interest of protecting the rights of ALL the people it should be classed not only as a threat to the rest of the population but as a crime which can and does involve many others, bringing distress, sorrow and corruption in its wake. 25 in felony trial”, Daily Universe, September 28, 1979, p. ” [79] Despite his “repentance”, it is known that Smith continued to acknowledge his homosexuality to other Gay Mormons who lived in Hawai’i in the late 1950s, including Dr.

Foote later returned to Boise and became very involved in the Gay Christian movement of the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in the later years of his life. Another man, up for an ROTC officer promotion lost his commission and his entire scholarship, and another Gay man had his teaching credetials denied. , indicates a depth of homosocial and homophilic intercourse typifying the “Lesbian” relationships (in Adrienne Rich’s definition) of Victorian Mormonism. Senator Elbert Thomas (D-Utah).

However, should any of the Mormon faithful question whether a married, homosexual Drama teacher with a police record for having sex with his students was “called of God” to be Patriarch to the Church, Pres. As of 1978, due to the unethical treatment he received by the Mormon Church, his faith was crushed and he considered himself somewhere “between an agnostic and an atheist. For one example of Byrd ‘s viewpoint, see Byrd, Cox, and Robinson’s “Homosexuality: The Innate-Immutability Argument Finds No Basis in Science”. I had to go in two or three times a week. “The Crime Against Nature,” Compiled Laws of Utah, 1876, p.

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The anti-Gay manuscript project was also not working out. In upholding the ordinances, the Mormon judge born in Alabama controversially denounced “depraved, mentally deficient, mind-warped queers” in his judicial opinion. He then went lecturing through the country, and commenced writing pamphlets for the sake of making money, charging so much for admittance to his lectures, and selling his slanders. One of his favorite Drama pupils, Cynthia Blood, told me in a 1989 interview that “everybody on campus knew” that Prof. In June 1979, AP reporter David Briscoe interviewed Mormon President Spencer Kimball on the ERA and noted in a subsequent article for Utah Holiday that his “personal impression after the interview was that the ‘homosexual issue’ is a major factor in President Kimball’s opposition” to the amendment. The study that Bergin referred to is Bell and Weinberg’s 1978 book, Homosexualities: a Study of Diversity Among Men and Women.

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    • From the reaction that I saw there were muscle spasms which looked very painful. ” The school (and Dr. However, “after hearing about all the suicides taking place” among Gay Mormons (especially the suicides of Gay BYU professor Carlyle Marsden, and of two men who had gone through electric shock “therapy” at BYU the year prior with Ford McBride and Dr. However Chipman’s lawyer, fellow Mormon Ronald R. Robert Waldrop, “An Open Response to a Nameless General Authority Who Wants to Call Some Kettles Clean”, Salt Lake Open Door, April 1978, p.

      “Evergreen International’s Principles and Programs”, (n. 1 and 2, copy of notes in my possession. On August 3, 1979, Richard Johnson of the Counseling Center indicated that of the 95 men counseled Winter Semester 1979 at BYU, 29 reported homosexual activity and another 16 reported homosexual “fears and fantasies only”. [48] It seems apparent that Mormon leaders wanted to humiliate Thomas Taylor, while avoiding a full-blown scandal that could damage the church’s image if all the details, notably Taylor’s business dealings with the church, became too well publicized – especially when the eyes of the nation were turned upon Mormonism during these tumultuous years of anti-polygamy sentiment. Almost all Mormons present simply ignored the vocal protest in their midst. Because he could find absolutely no “rational” reason for said discrimination, Judge Hicks ruled in September 2004 that the state ban against homogamy (same-sex marriage) is unconstituional.

      Individuals who require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the application process must provide sufficient advanced notice to Ms

      Edwards was a tall, loosely built and tender man physically, and Carter more stocky and sturdy. He was, at that point, where he had to do something. In their presentation, they recommended “specific steps the Church might take in combating homosexuality and other sexual misconduct” and affirmed that their “basic theme is that truth lies with the scriptures and the prophets, not with secular data or debate”. Young sentenced Cooper to life in prison without any psychiatric treatment as promised. Later, Sam told Gerald and Carol Lynn Pearson about another Gay BYU student named John who had committed suicide after going through electric shock treatments at BYU. One popular stereotype of the time was that streetcar drivers were effeminate homosexuals (and in fact, Walt Whitman found many of his male lovers amongst the streetcar drivers of New York City, including his long-time companion, Peter Doyle, who drove a streetcar in Washington DC for many years).

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