I have to make up my own research paper

You may have a clear outline in mind, in which case, sorting your notes will be relatively straightforward (though you may find that some notes don’t quite fit or that some suggest a section that you hadn’t initially thought of). More importantly, you learn better and remember more from repeated testing (from both in-class quizzes and from self-testing at home) than from repeated reading (Karpicke et al. Under each of these, put the identifying numbers of the items in your notes that you want to include in each subsection. You may find that you have questions, perhaps something you missed or don’t understand, or even a “substantive” question. Then you might divide your studying time as shown in the chart. ” —Diego Fernández Fernández, E.

Looking Ahead

Think of each day as having 3 parts: morning, afternoon, and evening. Then you might divide your studying time as shown in the chart. Another reason, of course, is that if you do bring it up in class, it should thereby become part of the day’s class notes. If time permits, you can cut corners by only reading it—slowly and actively. For that purpose, it will be useful to number your notes. The worst is to use a yellow highlighting marker (or hot pink, or whatever color you like).

Com profile for his or her high school child. When you finish a page, check your work and repeat writing the answers to the questions you missed until you get them all correct. ” (a college sophomore who went from high-school grades in the 70s to a 3. Let’s assume that each exam is in only one of these parts (i. Turn in the neat copy (and, of course, be sure that your name is on it.

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    • Glenn, David (2010, January 8), “Customized Teaching Fails a Test”, Chronicle of Higher Education: A1, A7–A8. Studying and learning in this way also helped me to prepare for exams. But which of these should you do first. (So when your instructor gives you lots of quizzes or tells you to memorize basic facts, don’t complain. It is very informative, and it will help me with my day to day activities.

      I only wish I had it while I was in high school. You should make an outline and sort your notes into categories that correspond to the main sections of your outline. Once I had the basics well in mind, building on them was easy and fun. Keep a Notebook Highlighting has the disadvantage that it can lead you to highlight everything, and margins have the disadvantage that they are often too small for making comments. ) There will be less that you’ll have to remember.

      I only wish I had it while I was in high school. Or you can jot your question or comment down in your notes. Do I Really Have to Do All This. ” —Joseph Di Lillo, Team Lead—SAP Service Desk.

      Belluck, Pam (2011), “Take a Test to Really Learn, Research Suggests”, New York Times (21 January): A14. Right about now, you’re probably asking yourself whether you really have to do all of this. I’m surprised that I use some of the techniques myself. 1 – further detail 3. The main problem with this is that you will tend to find almost every sentence to be important or interesting.

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      New body shape posters redefine the “perfect body. But I suggest using regular 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper, not index cards. ) Then memorize the questions and answers—but do not simply recite them by heart. Note that you should not delay studying for exam #3 until after exam #2; start studying for all exams right away.

      424, in general, a reference should contain the author, title, name of source [type of source: i. And, when all of your exams are over, take heed. Thank you for your helpful hints, and it does help me to notice some of my weaknesses in studying. If you’re taking a 3-credit independent-study course, but you meet with your instructor only 1 hour/week, then you should add the extra 2 hours to your at-home study time. ) If you have E exams and D days to study for them, spend roughly D/E days studying for each exam.

      Sometimes, I use double brackets in the margin for this second round of highlighting: ]] and underlining for a third round. Some Interesting Online Articles on Writing: Vonnegut, Kurt (1982), “How to Write with Style” Abstract: Find a subject you care about. (I sometimes like to use a pen for the text and a pencil for my commentary. I read/listened/watched with those questions in mind, noting as well other points an author/instructor was attempting to make. ) Then you can use the slow and active reading techniques for a second (or third, or fourth, or. It slows you down, so that you don’t read past the point at which you don’t understand.

      Avoid the two extremes of a topic that is so broad or well-known that there are too many sources of information and a topic that is so narrow or little-known that there is a paucity of information

      The technique that I suggest is also susceptible to this problem, but has a built-in way to overcome it, so that you can re-read the text, highlighting different passages each time. ) Moreover, there is evidence that the kind of “self-testing” that you can do with this technique is one of the best ways to study: “taking practice tests (versus merely rereading the material to be learned) can substantially boost student learning”, according to John Dunlosky, “Strengthening the Student Toolbox: Study Strategies to Boost Learning”, American Educator 37(3) (Fall 2013): 12–21. , Consciousness: 10, 20) to the book’s index if it already has one, or use a blank page at the end of the book if it doesn’t have an index. ” “If some difficulties still remain, re-read those parts a fourth time. ; & Finn, Bridgid (2010), “The Pluses of Getting It Wrong”, Scientific American Mind 21(1) (March/April): 39–41. ” (a college sophomore who went from high-school grades in the 70s to a 3.

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