How to write a synthesis essay

Since the very essence of synthesis is the combining of information and ideas, you must have some basis on which to combine them. To acquire this sought-after credit, the students must successfully complete end-of-the-year AP exams. Four Parts: Examining Your Topic Outlining Your Essay Writing Your Essay Finalizing Your Essay. In the process of writing his or her background synthesis, the student explored the sources in a new way and become an expert on the topic. Her work appears on eHow, Trails. You can advance as many reasons for the truth of your thesis as needed; but save the most important reason(s) for last, because the end of the paper is what will remain most clearly in the reader’s mind.


Be careful to only highlight the most important information in each source.      Clearly indicates which material comes from which source using lead in phrases and
            in-text citations.   In composition courses, “synthesis” commonly refers to writing about printed texts, drawing together particular themes or traits that you observe in those texts and organizing the material from each text according to those themes or traits. Scroll down to Step 1 to begin learning how to write a synthesis essay. This method is particularly valuable when you know your reader holds the opposing view. You may find it helpful to restate/reword your thesis.

Review the suggested reading and writing times. After you understand the question, you can begin seeking supporting material in the sources. The thesis of an argumentative essay is debatable. This method is particularly valuable when you know your reader holds the opposing view. What does the write assume to be true.

The thesis of an argumentative essay is debatable.      Includes information from more than one source;
    3. Category: Synthesis Essays, Process Essays; Title: How to Write a Synthesis Essay. Rather a synthesis is a result of an integration of  what you heard/read and your ability to use this learning to develop and support a key thesis or argument. You might be asked an agree/disagree question or perhaps to give a list of ideas (such as what is most important to consider in a given situation).

  How to write a synthesis paper.   Terms of Service   |   Privacy.   Your organization will be determined by the assignment or by the patterns you see in the material you are synthesizing. He appreciates the diversity and kindness of the people here, and says, “All they do is help you grow. Your purpose in writing (based on your assignment) will determine how you relate your source materials to one another.

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    • ACCURACY: an accurate report of information from the sources using different phrases and sentences not found in the original text. Step 3: As you read, add ideas to your chart.   Synthesis is related to but not the same as classification, division, or comparison and contrast. Meet Kevin, a student from the US who’s been active on wikiHow over a year.

      Meet Kevin, a student from the US who’s been active on wikiHow over a year. After reading several books, watching movies and participating in a variety of class activities, your task is to organize some of the information around a theme or a question, make generalizations, and then present information (statistics, quotes, examples) in a logical way to support your argument. You are presenting your opinion in response to a given question; however, unlike the free-response question, you must use the facts and ideas presented in the provided sources.   Explore different ways to organize the information depending on what you find or what you want to demonstrate (see above).   In composition courses, “synthesis” commonly refers to writing about printed texts, drawing together particular themes or traits that you observe in those texts and organizing the material from each text according to those themes or traits.


      At the same time, you must go beyond summary to make judgments – judgments based, of course, on your critical reading of your sources – as you have practiced in your reading responses and in class discussions. Rather a synthesis is a result of an integration of  what you heard/read and your ability to use this learning to develop and support a key thesis or argument.   [Beware of plagiarism:  Accidental plagiarism most often occurs
                  when students are synthesizing sources and do not indicate where the synthesis 
                  ends and their own comments begin or vice verse. What you as a writer must do is select the ideas and information from each source that best allow you to achieve your purpose. Although at its most basic level a synthesis involves combining two or more summaries, synthesis writing is more difficult than it might at first appear because this combining must be done in a meaningful way and the final essay must generally be thesis-driven. Learning to write a synthesis paper is a critical skill, crucial to organizing and presenting information is academic and non-academic settings.

      ” Other editors will be there to help if anything goes wrong, so “don’t ever be afraid” to chip in. INTERPRETATION: a synthesis makes sense of the sources and helps the reader understand them in greater depth. Regardless of whether you are synthesizing information from prose sources, from laboratory data, or from tables and graphs, your preparation for the synthesis will very likely involve comparison. Scroll down to Step 1 to begin learning how to write a synthesis essay.  
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      The body of a synthesis essay: This should be organized by theme. At another point, you may wish to summarize a key section or paragraph of a source in a single sentence. However, having few or no errors makes the essay easier to read and enhances the overall quality of the final product. While this skill is developed in high school and college classes, it translates to the business and advertising world as well. How to get started:

      Summarizing the main points/themes/traits of the sources you are comparing will help you organize your thoughts. Doc file: You need the Microsoft Word program, a free Microsoft Word viewer, or a program that can import Word files in order to view this file.

      Take roughly five minutes to compose an outline before you begin the composition of your actual essay, so you know where your essay is going

      A criterion is a specific point to which both of your authors refer and about which they may agree or disagree. You might be asked an agree/disagree question or perhaps to give a list of ideas (such as what is most important to consider in a given situation). Read the topic assignment carefully. The synthesis question asks students to synthesize information from a. Remind yourself that a synthesis is NOT a summary, a comparison or a review. It makes a proposition about which reasonable people could disagree, and any two writers working with the same source materials could conceive of and support other, opposite theses.